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Design Career

Tallinna Ettevõtluspäev 2024 - kolm võtet kliendi mõistmiseks
Design Career
At Tallinn Entrepreneurship Day 2024, I introduced three practical methods for customer research: card sorting, empathy mapping, and customer journey mapping. These techniques help new entrepreneurs understand customer attitudes, values, and behaviors, guiding product development in the right direction.
How design team leads evaluate your LinkedIn profile
Design Career
I’ve reviewed hundreds of LinkedIn profiles during hiring. Let me share exactly what catches my attention and makes profiles stand out. You’ll learn how to craft experience descriptions, present your skills, and create a professional narrative that resonates with hiring managers. These insights will help you optimize your profile to capture attention and open doors in the design field.
Where are you aiming?
Design Career
By systematically evaluating your interests, skills, and experiences, you will identify the most promising internship opportunities and create a targeted career development plan. This structured approach helps overcome uncertainty and imposter syndrome, enabling you to craft a compelling profile for potential employers.
IT-ametite päev 2023
Design Career
I designed a short presentation for TalTech’s IT Day in 3 iterations and different views to engage high school and college students on the importance of design in product development across various IT fields.
10 reasons designers should embrace LinkedIn
Design Career
Designers and students should embrace LinkedIn for career growth and professional networking. LinkedIn offers essential tools for advancing your design career.
Äripäeva Raadio - Minu karjäär
Design Career
Kristina Lillo and I were interviewed in Äripäeva Raadio about career options for youth in SEB. We shared insights on starting a career in IT and design within the banking sector, emphasizing SEB’s support for young professionals in fintech.
Using CodeKit 3 with PatternLab 2
Design Career
A guide from 2016 showing how developers integrated CodeKit 3 and PatternLab 2 for efficient web workflows. Peek into past techniques for optimizing setups, controlling CSS generation, and using CodeKit as a debugger, code processor, and server.